
Competitive edge with a virtual CIO?

Written by Andrew Allen | 15-Jun-2016 09:30:17

In the past IT service was a matter of infrastructure: networks, devices, servers and so on. The internet was slow, the applications were often clumsy and sometimes unusable, and these systems were not interconnected. That was the first wave of IT. The good news is the free market has driven solutions to those challenges - and we’re all glad it did.

For business leaders, the question is now: how can I get a competitive edge?

  • How can our company improve operational efficiency to strengthen our bottom line?
    • We have processes and protocols but they are either not good enough or we do not follow them
    • We aren’t communicating internally as well as we need
    • We spend our limited time on repetitive, non-automated and manual tasks that bring the risk of mistakes or just prevent people from doing higher level work
  • How can our company improve our services to surpass the competition and see better top line revenue?
    • How can our clients communicate with us faster and more conveniently?
    • How can we accelerate the sales cycle?
    • How can we leverage digital marketing to build our brand?

What may not be apparent is that most of these problems can be solved with choosing and implementing existing technology-based solutions, many of which are free. These are lucrative and time-saving solutions but surprisingly few business leaders are taking advantage of them.

Why is this seemingly obvious opportunity so often neglected?  It’s simply a matter of lacking a specialist - a team member tasked to not only understand the problems of the business, but also visualise a strategic solution, plan the project, manage the team, implement the necessary processes and systems and basically make things happen.

This specialist is now available for every company regardless of management structure, industry, size or geographic location and brings a mix of methodologies, software tools, business acumen and technological expertise This specialist delivers what we call “Virtual CIO”

Let us learn about the current state of your enterprise: challenges, strategies and aspirations. From there we’ll craft an action plan to reach your business and personal goals faster.