
UK tie for 2nd in UN 2020 Global Cyber Security Index

Written by Adam Lewis | 30-Jun-2021 12:00:00

The United Nations International Telecommunication Union (ITU) published its 2020 Global Cyber Security Index on Tuesday 29th June, listing USA in first place, closely followed by the UK and Saudi Arabia in a tie for second place.

The index ranks nations based on a set of 82 questions answered by a nominated person in each territory that choses to take part. The ITU relies on its own research for countries that do not participate with the questionnaire. The rankings are published as a score out of 100.



The report highlights some improvements over the 2018 edition with the overall median score being 9.5% higher. Other improvements include an increase in the number of governments that have adopted a national cybersecurity strategy.

The Europe region continues to score highly in the Child online protection measures with 89% having fully implemented related laws. There was also an increase in availability of reporting mechanisms for online issues. A major negative is the ongoing shortage of cybersecurity expertise with an estimated shortfall of half a million personnel.

The full report can be downloaded from the ITU website here.