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Common Mistakes with Cybersecurity Training and How to Avoid Them.

Posted by Aaron Hayes. | 07-Aug-2023 03:00:00

In today’s digital age, cybersecurity training for employees has become a critical aspect of protecting a company’s sensitive information and assets. While organisations invest in various training programs, some still struggle to effectively educate their employees on cybersecurity best practices. This blog explores common mistakes made during employee cybersecurity training and provides valuable insights on how to avoid them.

Mistake #1: One-time Training Sessions

Many organisations make the mistake of conducting cybersecurity training as a one-time event during onboarding or annually. Such sessions often result in employees forgetting essential information over time, leaving them vulnerable to security threats. To avoid this, companies should adopt a continuous training approach that includes regular refreshers, simulated phishing exercises, and updates on emerging threats.



Mistake #2: Using Jargon-Heavy Language

Technical jargon can alienate employees who may not have a deep understanding of cybersecurity concepts. Using overly complex language in training materials can make the content overwhelming and challenging to grasp. Instead, trainers should use clear and straightforward language, employing real-life examples to help employees relate to potential risks and their consequences.


Mistake #3: Ignoring Mobile and Remote Security

With the rise of remote work and mobile devices, companies must address security concerns beyond traditional office environments. Neglecting to include mobile and remote security practices in training leaves employees exposed when accessing sensitive information outside of the workplace. It is essential to educate them on secure remote access, the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), and safe Wi-Fi usage.


Mistake #4: Focusing Solely on Technology

While technology plays a crucial role in cybersecurity, it’s a mistake to concentrate solely on it during training. Employees are often the weakest link in the security chain, and human error is a common cause of data breaches. Training should emphasise the importance of vigilance, critical thinking, and reporting suspicious activities, as well as how to identify social engineering attempts.


Mistake #5: Lack of Engagement and Interactivity

Monotonous PowerPoint presentations or lengthy written documents can lead to disengaged employees and limited retention of information. Employers should incorporate interactive elements such as gamification, quizzes, and hands-on exercises to make training sessions more engaging and memorable.


Mistake #6: Neglecting Executive and Management Training

Employee cybersecurity training should not be limited to front-line staff. Executives and management personnel are high-value targets for cybercriminals, and their lack of awareness could have severe consequences for the organisation. Companies should prioritise training for leaders to create a security-conscious culture throughout the entire hierarchy.


Mistake #7: Failure to Address Password Best Practices

Weak passwords remain among the most significant vulnerabilities in any organisation’s security infrastructure. Neglecting to emphasise the importance of strong, unique passwords and implementing multi-factor authentication can lead to unauthorised access and potential data breaches.

The key takeaway?

Cybersecurity is a complex practice, and the best way to prevent attacks and protect your information is via a multi-layered cybersecurity approach that weaves together your people, processes and technology.

Source: CompTIA


Investing in employee cybersecurity training is an integral part of safeguarding an organisation’s digital assets and sensitive information. By avoiding common mistakes such as relying on one-time sessions, using jargon-heavy language, and neglecting mobile and remote security, businesses can empower their employees to become the first line of defence against cyber threats. Engaging, interactive, and ongoing training efforts, coupled with a focus on human behaviour and best practices, will significantly strengthen the overall cybersecurity posture of the organisation.

By overcoming these challenges, as discussed earlier, you can foster a robust security mindset within your organisation. If you need help, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to support you with our wealth of experience and expertise, enabling you to navigate the turbulent waters of cybersecurity effortlessly. With our team of specialists by your side, you can rest assured that security training will be handled with utmost care.

Moreover, make sure to download our comprehensive checklist titled “Assessing the Strength of Your Cybersecurity Culture” to evaluate if you are on the right path. We can reinforce your defences and shield your business from ever-evolving cyber threats.


Topics: Attack, Cybersecurity, Security, IT Support

Written by Aaron Hayes.

As the marketing manager at Aabyss, I revel in all things tech-related. My role encompasses overseeing marketing initiatives and vigilantly tracking trends and insights within the industry. Holding a chartered marketer status and fellowship in the CIM, I am fervent about contributing to the marketing community and motivating upcoming marketers. Beyond my profession, I have a keen interest in the great outdoors, video gaming, 80s television series, and I take particular delight in my collection of Magnum PI Hawaiian shirts.

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